Jeopardy Night to Be Hosted by Central American Student Alliance and TRIO Student Support Services

Jeopardy Night to Be Hosted by Central American Student Alliance and TRIO Student Support Services
Central American Student Alliance

Interested in competing in a game of Jeopardy and learning more about Central America? The Central American Student Alliance (CASA) and TRIO Student Support Services present Jeopardy Night! This event will occur at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 29, in Arkansas Union 514. Free food will be provided. Bring your friends and show off your knowledge!

About CASA: CASA was founded in the fall of 2023 by Salvadorian undergraduates Daniella Fernandez and Nurian Chavez. The purpose of CASA is to create a sense of belonging for Central American students, promote awareness of Central American culture, and provide support and resources for minority groups.

About TRIO SSS: TRIO Student Support Services is a federally funded program that seeks to enhance students' experience through academic skill building, goal attainment, leadership development, financial literacy, cultural enrichment, graduate school preparation and fostering a supportive learning community.

For more information about CASA and TRIO SSS, follow @uarkcasa and @triosss_uark on Instagram. For questions regarding the event or the organization, please contact Daniella Fernandez,, 479-251-0673, or Nurian Chavez,, 479-220-1563.


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