UA ENGAGE Leadership Exploration Program Begins

UA ENGAGE Leadership Exploration Cohort 2024
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UA ENGAGE Leadership Exploration Cohort 2024

The third annual workshop for the UA ENGAGE Women's Leadership Exploration Program is underway, with the first session held on Friday, Feb. 9. The semester-long program is organized by the UA ENGAGE Initiative and aims to increase the engagement of women faculty in leadership roles on the U of A campus.

The workshop includes identification of leadership values and strengths, discussion of mental and physical health in the context of leadership, learning from current women leaders, and development of a leadership intention map. The 2024 class includes 16 women faculty from various colleges on the U of A campus.

"The enthusiasm from participants to learn about academic leadership is always energizing," said Kim Needy, dean of the College of Engineering and one of three workshop organizers.

Fiona Goggin, professor of entomology and session organizer, emphasizes the importance of the workshop: "This program represents an intentional step toward increasing women's leadership on our campus."

Anne O'Leary-Kelly of the Department of Management and organizer describes the workshop as a partnership with the colleges that builds the leadership pipeline. She said, "Deans, associate deans and department chairs nominate potential leaders to the workshop, and the workshop helps participants consider and set their leadership intentions."

Participants from previous cohorts have moved into leadership roles in administration, research, teaching and entrepreneurial ventures, signaling the lasting value of the Leadership Exploration Program to the U of A as well as participants.

The 2024 ENGAGE Leadership Exploration Workshop class includes:

  • Jamie Baum, associate professor, nutrition
  • Ana Bridges, professor, clinical psychology
  • Claire Terhune, associate professor, anthropology
  • Jingyi Chen, professor and vice chair, physical chemistry
  • Kelly Hammond, associate professor, history
  • Lissette Szwydky, associate professor, English
  • Samantha Robinson, associate professor and vice chair, mathematics
  • Shauna Morimoto, professor of sociology and associate dean of Fulbright College
  • Erin Popejoy, associate professor, counselor education and supervision
  • Kara Lasater, associate professor, education leadership
  • Page Dobbs, associate professor, public health
  • Maria L. Carreon, associate professor, chemical engineering
  • Younghye Song, assistant professor, biomedical engineering
  • Stephanie Pierce, associate professor/librarian
  • Erin Henry, associate professor, accounting
  • Iana Shaheen, assistant professor, supply chain management

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