Happening today: Find Jobs, Internships, and Graduate Programs at All Careers Fair
The All Careers Fair is happening from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today, Tuesday, Feb. 13, in the Arkansas Union Verizon Ballroom.
If you are currently seeking employment, an internship, or a graduate program, you will find a wide variety of opportunities available at the upcoming All Careers Fair. With nearly 70 organizations from various industries and graduate programs in attendance, you are sure to find something that piques your interest. To make a positive first impression, it is suggested that you wear business casual attire. While registration is recommended, it is not mandatory.
Unsure of what companies to talk to at the fair? Take the Challenge Cards Assessment to find out the top three problems you'd like to help solve in the world and then talk with employers at the fair who are trying to solve those same problems! View the list of challenges that organizations at the fair are trying to solve.
View the list of employers attending the fair and register on Handshake.
Ty Beringer, Marketing Communications Specialist
Offices of Career Connections
479-575-4075, tjbering@uark.edu