Last Day to Apply: 'Made in Italy' in Taormina, Sicily, May Intersession 2024
Are you interested in Italian food, fashion or cars? Or, do you prefer the artisinal products of Italy like ceramics, lace, glass and marble? Or, better yet, Italy as a design capitol of the world?
If any of the above is true, join the Italian Program's May intersession trip to Taormina, Sicily (May 11-25, 2024), and live the "White Lotus" life.
In this course, we will
- Learn about Italian prodcuts: Why does "Made in Italy" interest consumers internationally? Why are customers willing to pay a higher price if the product is made in Italy? Join us in Taormina, Sicily, to explore these questions and more!
- Explore the 5 "A"s: Abbigliamento (clothes), Agroalimentare (food & wine), Arredamento (furniture & design), Automazione (automobiles & machinery) and Artigianale (artisanal)
- Delve into experiental learning: This class will be split between lectures, seminars and 12 onsite lessons, along with two Unesco site visits. Taught in English; three credits. This course counts for the Italian major and minor.
For more information, email professor Calabretta-Sajder ( or visit the HogsAbroad website.
Ryan Calabretta Sajder, associate professor
World Languages, Literatures & Cultures