Upcoming Email Notifications Related to Conflict of Interest

Upcoming Email Notifications Related to Conflict of Interest
Photo Submitted

The required annual Disclosure and Management of Potential Conflicts of Interest and/or Commitment reporting process is due in Workday by Feb. 29. All employees who receive compensation outside of the university must complete the process before that date.

Email notifications will be sent to any employee who has not yet submitted the conflict of interest disclosure using the new Workday process.

What is Conflict of Interest?

A conflict of interest is defined as a situation under which an employee:

  • May have the opportunity to influence university administrative, business or academic decisions in ways that could lead to personal gain
  • May give an improper advantage to self or others
  • May interfere with objective preservation, generation or public dissemination of knowledge

Full-time (30 or more hours per week) faculty and exempt staff who receive paid compensation outside of the university must also complete a Prior Approval and Management of Outside Employment form in Workday for each instance of employment. Supervisors are required to approve these requests.

As a reminder, employees should also complete the disclosure process any time a new potential conflict of interest emerges throughout the year, before beginning the employment opportunity. New employees should complete a disclosure within two weeks of their start date.

Frequently Asked Questions

For any questions or concerns about this task, please refer to the FAQ section below.

  • Q: I do not have a conflict of interest or outside employment. Do I still need to report?
    A: Yes. All employees must complete the conflict of interest disclosure, even if they do not have a conflict. When you fill out your COI/COC report, indicate that you do not have a conflict, commitment and/or outside employment on the questionnaire. Instructions on how to complete the COI/COC disclosure can be found on the User Solutions resource page.
  • Q: I think I've already completed my conflict of interest disclosure. Is there a way for me to check in Workday?
    A: Yes. You can review your submitted conflict of interest questionnaire using the "My Request" report in Workday. Look for "Request : Conflict of Interest & Commitment | UAF " with an initiation date of Sept. 15, 2023. As long as the status is not cancelled or declined, you have successfully submitted your reporting. Visit the COI support article for full instructions on how to access and review the report.
  • Q: I am a new employee, and I completed my conflict of interest disclosure during my onboarding. Will I receive a notification?
    A: If you are a new hire that completed your conflict of interest disclosure between Sept. 15, 2023, and Jan. 18, 2024, as part of your onboarding tasks, you will need to resubmit the disclosure using the new Workday process. This only applies to new employees who submitted their disclosure between the specified dates.

Workday Training

After logging in to Workday, employees who wish to learn more about the COI/COC/OE disclosure can self-enroll in the on-demand training available in Workday Learning.


To resolve difficulties or for further questions, refer to the Conflict of Interest/Commitment page, review university policy FPP 404.0 or contact Benjamin Purvis for assistance.


James Morrison, senior director
User Solutions Team
479-575-4934, jm218@uark.edu


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