GPSC January Policy Dialogue Today
The U of A Graduate and Professional Student Congress cordially invites all graduate and professional students to the January Policy Dialogue scheduled for 5 p.m. today, Thursday, Jan. 25, in the E.J. Ball Courtroom of the School of Law and on Zoom.
Policy Dialogue is a forum where graduate and professional students interface with university administrators/experts to discuss pertinent topics that affect their wellbeing and success on campus. It is also an opportunity for GPSC members to explore possible areas of partnerships with campus organizations/units to improve service delivery and graduate students' experience.
Topic: Transit and parking challenges on campus: Impact on graduate students.
Speaker: Gary Smith, director of Transit and Parking, U of A.
Please note that the GPSC Assembly meeting starts immediately after this event.
This is a great time to ask questions and make suggestions that will help improve transit and parking experience for students on campus. Join GPSC for a wonderful conversation and feel free reach out for more information/inquiry to GPSC President Kolade Olatunde,
Kolade Olatunde, president
Graduate Professional Student Congress
John Post, director of communications
Graduate School and International Education