Apply for Scholarships from Student Affairs Now
The Division of Student Affairs has many scholarships for students attending the U of A, and those scholarships are now open for students to apply.
Each year, Student Affairs awards dozens of scholarships to students for many different reasons. While these scholarships require good academic standing, many of them also recognize leadership, student involvement and community service experiences at the U of A. A high GPA is not required to apply or receive most of these awards.
"All students should check out the scholarship options from the Division of Student Affairs because we have a lot to offer," said Jeremy Battjes, vice chancellor for Student Affairs.
The division is using the same scholarship platform that the majority of campus is using - Academic Works. Students should start on the Student Affairs scholarship page, which informs them about the different scholarships, how to apply for them and then leads them to the applications on Academic Works.
The Division of Student Affairs awarded 199 scholarships to students totaling $207,900 during the 2022-2023 school year. The amount and number of recipients selected to receive each scholarship are based on the applicant pool each year and other factors.
"I encourage students to apply for our scholarships now, and if you're a friend of the university, I encourage you to support these students through a donation to one of our many scholarships," said Ben Carter, senior director of development for Student Affairs.
Most of the current scholarship applications close on Feb. 15. Students who apply for a Student Affairs scholarship now will be notified of their award status at the end of spring semester. All current scholarships will be awarded for fall 2024, with a couple exceptions as noted on the scholarship applications.
Find out more information on the Student Affairs scholarship site.
Scott Flanagin, Executive Director for Communications
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
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