Eight Commissioned to Second Lieutenant in U.S. Army

Commissioning Ceremony at Giffels Auditorium on Dec. 15, 2023.
University of Arkansas

Commissioning Ceremony at Giffels Auditorium on Dec. 15, 2023.

With family and friends witnessing, the Razorback Battalion — the U of A Army ROTC — commissioned eight second lieutenants into the United States Army on Dec. 15, 2023. These second lieutenants went through at least four years of training here on campus and at various military installations throughout the country. Our newest second lieutenants are as follows:

  • Andrea M. Chandler: B.S.in exercise science, pre-physical therapy; Branched Florida Army National Guard in the Transportation Corps
  • Grace S. Coleman: B.S. in biological sciences; Branched Arkansas Army National Guard in Field Artillery
  • Sara J. Conaway: B.A. in psychology; Branched Florida Army National Guard in the Transportation Corps
  • Nile B. Hanna: B.S.B.A. in supply chain management and marketing; Branched Active Duty Army in the Transportation Corps
  • Noah A. Larson: B.S.A. in animal science, with honors; Branched U.S. Army Reserves in the Medical Science Corps
  • Ahmad M. Pace Jr.: B.A. in political science, pre-law; Branched Active Duty Army in the Quartermaster Corps
  • Christopher J. Papania: B.S. in electrical engineering; Branched Active Duty Army in the  Armor
  • Hayden G. Young: B.S. in mechanical engineering; Branched Active Duty Army in Infantry

The guest speaker was Col. (retired) Marcus Jones, 1994 alumnus of the program. Other VIPs that were present are as follows:

  • Chancellor Charles Robinson
  • Provost Terry Martin, executive vice chancellor for academic affairs
  • Col. Bob Crawford, U.S. Army, retired, 1974 alumnus of the program and president of the local chapter of the Military Officers of America Association
  • Col. Michael Anderson, U.S. Army, retired, 1992 alumnus of the program and President of the Razorback Brigade Alumni Board
  • Ann Bordelon, executive vice chancellor for finance and administration
  • Jeremy Battjes, vice chancellor for student affairs
  • Cynthia Nance, dean of the School of Law
  • David McNabb, associate dean of research for Fulbright College

The ceremony was held at Giffels Auditorium.

The cadre at the Razorback Battalion are very proud of our newest lieutenants. They will be a great contribution to the U.S. Army.

For more information about the Army ROTC, visit our website at armyrotc.uark.edu or call 479.575.4251.


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