Professional ePortfolio Course Helps Students Showcase What They Know

Professional ePortfolio Course Helps Students Showcase What They Know
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Building a professional ePortfolio, a personal website where students can document what they have learned in college, is a way students can make learning visible to future employers.

Professional ePortfolio (ARSC 3203), a course offered through Fulbright College, is designed to aid students in building their professional ePortfolio from beginning to end.

This 3-credit-hour course is designed for any major, sophomore to senior level. It is offered in spring 2024 on Tuesday and Thursday at 12:30-1:45 and Monday and Wednesday from 3:05-4:20.

This hands-on practical course starts by getting students to think about their strengths and what they have to offer as a professional and moves to creative ways to write about what they have learned to make it meaningful to others.

"This class helped me think like a professional and to gear up for the big transition of graduating college," a former student of the course wrote.

2021 study from the American Association of Colleges and Universities found that nine in 10 employers reported that they appreciate ePortfolios in the hiring process — helping students stand out in a crowded field.

For more information, students can speak to their academic advisor, enroll in the course directly or contact Lynn Meade (  


Lynn Meade, teaching assistant professor
Fulbright College Student Success

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