Sociology and Criminology Students Win Awards at Regional Criminal Justice Conference

Miya Fillmore, Abby Hudson, McKenzie Taylor, Brooke Poe, Chase Freeman, Mia Hadzidelimovic
Six undergraduate students from the Department of Sociology and Criminology — Chase Freeman, Brooke Poe, Miya Fillmore, Mia Hadzidelimovic, Abby Hudson and McKenzie Taylor — attended the Southwestern Association of Criminal Justice annual conference Oct. 11-13 in Little Rock with their faculty adviser, professor Lauren Copley Sabon.
The students were able to network with faculty and students from universities around the Southwest and learn about the research being done in the region. In addition, they participated in the regional crime scene investigation competition and Quiz Bowl. They were very successful in their endeavors and showed off their knowledge and critical thinking skills.
One team featuring Freeman, Poe and Fillmore placed second in the Quiz Bowl, which also featured teams from Texas Christian University and Prairie View A&M University. A collaborative team made up of U of A students Freeman and Hadzidelimovic and students from Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, placed first in the crime scene competition.
Professor Rocio Paez Ritter, who serves as the secretary for the Southwestern Association of Criminal Justice, was also there to cheer on the students.
Lauren Copley Sabon, teaching associate professor
Department of Sociology and Criminology