Upcoming Humanities Funding 101 Workshop
The Division of Research and Innovation and the Arkansas Humanities Center are co-hosting a Humanities Funding 101 workshop for all humanities faculty from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 8, in Mullins 452-453. Lunch will be provided.
This workshop will be led by Molly Throgmorton, associate director for research development, and will focus on the basics of humanities grant funding. Specifically, the workshop will cover the types of humanities projects eligible for grant funding, the availability of grant funding and the steps humanities faculty should take to receive grant funding.
The workshop will be both informational and interactive. In the second half of the workshop, we will have an open discussion about attendees' project ideas and identified funding opportunities. Attendees are encouraged (although not required) to bring any projects and grant proposals they are working on. All U of A humanities faculty on campus are encouraged to attend.
RSVP for the in-person event here.
Baylie Lanier, communications graduate assistant
Division of Research and Innovation
479-575-3845, bmlanier@uark.edu