Professor Omar Manasreh Appointed Editor for Frontiers in Materials Journal
The scientific journal Frontiers has appointed professor Omar Manasreh of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science as an editor for the Frontiers in Materials journal's board.
Frontiers is a Swiss-based open-access scientific journal publisher that reviews worldwide submissions. Frontiers in Materials has an impact factor of 3.2 with over 21,000 citations. The impact factor measures the frequency that an "average article" in a journal has been cited over a limited time period. Manasreh said the international journal has various editors for different journal publications.
"The impact factor is very important for any journals, per industry standards," he said.
Manasreh stated, "It seems reasonable for us here to be involved in an open access journal, which is different than archival journals. Any accepted paper is published quickly, typically within a month or less. As we are directly involved, our researchers can publish papers to an international audience rapidly with a significant discount in the publication fees."
Manasreh highlighted the broader implications of being part of such a journal, saying it's good to do this type of volunteer work, because the journal helps authors to publish their significant research findings.
As for the role of an associate editor, Manasreh said he will decide whether a manuscript is suitable for publication, and the U of A will be added in the byline. By joining Frontiers as an associate editor, Manasreh said he will gain valuable insights into research trends and contribute to the direction of international research in semiconductor science and devices.
"As our name is listed in a journal like this one, we gain professional and public recognition. So that adds more visibility for the university. This is a big benefit and win-win situation. This strengthens our outreach efforts," he said.
Austin Cook, project/program specialist
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Jennifer P. Cook, director of communications
College of Engineering