GPSC October Policy Dialogue
The U of A Graduate and Professional Student Congress cordially invites all graduate students to our October Policy dialogue scheduled for 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 25, at the E.J. Ball Courtroom at the School Law and on Zoom.
Policy Dialogue is a forum where graduate and professional students interface with university administrators/experts to discuss pertinent topics that affect their well-being and success on campus. It is also an opportunity for GPSC members to explore possible areas of partnerships with campus organizations/units to improve service delivery and graduate students' experience.
Topic: Graduate students' workload, stipend and financial support
Speakers: Ed Pohl, dean of Graduate School and International Education, and Ed Bengtson, associate dean in Graduate School and International Education.
Please note that the GPSC Assembly meeting starts immediately after this event.
Join GPSC for a wonderful time discussing and advocating for the financial well-being of graduate and professional students on campus. For more information/inquiry, please email GPSC President Kolade Olatunde at
Koade Olatunde , president
Graduate Professional Student Congress
John Post, director of communications
Graduate School and International Education