Password Best Practices
Passwords are a key component to securing any account. They are what allow you access to your personal information, which is why it is essential to keep your passwords protected. While it may seem small, you should be thoughtful when making a new password. Follow these dos and don'ts when creating or changing your passwords:
Consider using a passphrase
Be unique: use a combination of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols
Make sure your password is long (8-12 characters)
Use a password manager: this allows you to keep all of your passwords in one place and only requires you to remember one master password
Enable MFA on all accounts
Write your passwords down or leave them unsecured
Use the same password for all or multiple accounts
Include personal information (e.g., names, phone numbers, significant dates, etc.)
Enter your password while connected to an unsecure network
Use sequential or repetitive numbers
If you think that your password has been compromised, you should log out of your account(s) on all devices and change your password to something that is long and unique immediately. Find information on the university's password policies under the Fayetteville Policies and Procedures 941.0.
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month! The month of October is dedicated to providing resources and awareness to help people around the country stay safe online. Everyone can take simple steps to protect themselves when using technology and the internet such as identifying and reporting phishing emails, using MFA and keeping your software updated. For more tips and information on how you can stay cyber safe, visit the IT Services cybersecurity checklist or the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
Ele Powell, assistant director of administrative communications
Division of Finance and Administration