Stick and Treat: Flu Vaccine Clinic at Pat Walker Health Center Oct. 31
Flu season is creeping up, and the best way to protect against the flu virus is to get your annual flu vaccine.
Pat Walker Health Center has partnered with the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing to offer a "Stick and Treat" flu vaccine clinic from noon to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 31, in the Walker Family Classrooms at the health center.
The clinic is open to U of A students, faculty and staff who would like to receive their annual flu shot, and anyone from the U of A community who has yet to receive the flu vaccine is encouraged to attend. There will be treats available to those that receive their flu vaccine at the clinic.
The cost for the flu vaccine is $24, along with a $35 administration fee; however, most insurances cover the cost fully. For U of A employees insured through UMR and for U of A students insured through the Student Health Insurance policy, the flu vaccine will be 100% covered through insurance. Please bring your U of A ID card and insurance card to the flu vaccine clinic, if you have one.
Can't Make the Flu Vaccine Clinic?
The flu vaccine clinic will only be administering the flu vaccine. Anyone wanting to receive the updated COVID-19 vaccine must make an appointment with the Allergy, Immunization & Travel (AIT) Clinic. The AIT Clinic also has flu vaccines available. Anyone unable to attend the flu vaccine clinic or who wishes to receive the updated COVID-19 vaccine is encouraged to schedule an appointment at or by calling 479-575-4451.
Self-Report Receiving Your Flu Vaccine
As a reminder, the U of A is participating in the 2023-2024 Flu and COVID Vaccination Challenge. The challenge is against other colleges and universities across the state of Arkansas to see which institution will get the most undergraduate students to self-report in an Arkansas Immunization Action Coalition (ImmunizeAR) survey. You can receive the flu vaccine or the COVID-19 vaccine from the health center or anywhere else to complete the survey, and no identifiable information is collected within the survey.
Practice Good Respiratory Hygiene to Avoid Spreading the Flu Virus
Avoid close contact with sick people. While sick, limit contact with others as much as possible to avoid infecting them.
If you have a fever, stay home from work/class until you are fever free for at least 24 hours.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
Wash your hands often with soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs like the flu.
If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, see your primary care provider to help reduce the severity of the flu. To schedule an appointment at the health center, call 479-575-4451 or go to
Find more information about the flu on the health center's website.
Breeanne Carter, assistant director for marketing & communications
Pat Walker Health Center