Upcoming Workshop for Communicating Research to Various Audiences
The Division of Research and Innovation is hosting a series of research funding workshops for on-campus investigators this semester. The next workshop, "Presentations and Pitches: Communicating Your Research to Various Audiences," will be held from 2:30-4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 19, in 452-453 Mullins Library.
Cynthia Sides, assistant vice chancellor for research and innovation, will lead this workshop, focusing on factors to consider when describing your research to specific audiences and how to craft your communications to maximize your research points. They will offer specific steps to follow and questions to answer when pitching research ideas.
Attendees should bring a technical short paragraph (half page maximum) describing their research to an abstract reviewer for a national conference in their field and be prepared to workshop their descriptions with Sides and the workshop attendees. The workshop will be interactive, so we ask that participants be prepared to engage with their descriptions in real time. All University of Arkansas faculty and staff involved in research funding on campus are welcome to attend.
RSVP for the in-person event here.
Baylie Lanier, communications graduate assistant
Division of Research and Innovation
479-575-3845, bmlanier@uark.edu