Fall 2023 GPSC Research Grant Call for Applications
The Graduate and Professional Student Congress' Research Council is delighted to announce the opening of applications for the fall 2023 GPSC Tiffany Marcantonio Research Grant.
Each spring and fall semester, the GPSC funds numerous grants of up to $1,500 to assist in graduate student research, particularly projects that relate to theses or dissertations. We encourage all graduate students from all fields and year in school to apply for these awards. Proposals should be submitted via HogSync and are due by midnight on Oct. 29.
After proposals are submitted, the Research Council, a team of graduate and professional students, will review the proposals using a rubric system. All proposals will be scored and then discussed by the Research Council; we intend to notify winners in December 2023.
More information can be found at gpsc.uark.edu/funding/research. For any questions, please email the Research Council Jessica Stephens at gpscrc@uark.edu.
Jessica Stephen, co-chair, GPSC Research Council
Graduate Professional Student Congress
580-509-9498, gpscrc@uark.edu
John Post, director of communications
Graduate School and International Education
479-575-4853, johnpost@uark.edu