The Golden Cardinal Search: Rules and Day 1 Clue
To celebrate A-Week's fifth anniversary, first-year students are invited to participate in the campuswide search for the Golden Cardinal. Somewhere on the University of Arkansas campus, we have hidden a 3-inch tall, 2-pound Golden Cardinal.
Throughout A-Week, Aug. 14-18, a new clue will be published in Arkansas News, bringing you one step closer to the hiding spot of the Golden Cardinal. There will be five clues total, and first-year students will have until Monday, Aug. 21, to find the Golden Cardinal and claim the prize.
The finder of the Golden Cardinal will keep the Golden Cardinal and win prizes including a $100 Dining Dollars gift card, $150 worth of Razorback merchandise from the Campus Bookstore, a signed basketball by Razorback basketball coach Eric Musselman, and a flat screen TV!
Golden Cardinal Search Rules:
- Participation in the Golden Cardinal Search is limited to University of Arkansas first-year students. Non first-year students, faculty, and staff are ineligible to participate.
- The Golden Cardinal will be hidden on University of Arkansas property and will not move. All five clues pertain to a single location where the Golden Cardinal is located.
- The contest participant who locates the Golden Cardinal by Aug. 21 at 5 p.m. and returns it to New Student & Family Programs in Arkansas Union A683, is the potential winner of the prize.
- The potential winner must be present to win the Golden Cardinal at a date and time to be determined.
- None of the clues, nor the hiding place, require entry onto private property.
- A new clue will be published in Arkansas News and A-Week website ( beginning Monday, Aug. 14, and ending with the final clue on Friday, Aug. 18, unless the Cardinal is found before then.
- Clues will be published on each day at or around 9 am.
- The contest ends at 5 p.m. on Aug. 21, 2023.
- The Cardinal must be returned to New Student and Family Programs by 5 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 21, in ARKU A683 or the prize will be forfeited.
- The contest ends when the Cardinal is found.
- The contest status will be updated daily on the A-Week Website, Arkansas News, and NSFP social media ( and Instagram — @uarknsfp) through Friday, Aug. 18.
- The person returning the Cardinal must provide a valid UARK ID Card and proof of fall 2023 enrollment.
- Participants who engage in unsportsmanlike, disruptive, or abusive behavior will be disqualified at the discretion of New Student & Family Programs.
- Anyone who damages, destroys, or trespasses on public or private property will be disqualified from the contest. Participants must obey opening and closing hours of buildings and follow all local laws, ordinances, and university policies.
Now that you know the rules, here is the first clue!
Clue 1
Welcome New Razorback, we're so glad you're here!
It's time to search for the Golden Cardinal, so far and so near.
For it's hidden somewhere on campus — the finder will get their fair share!
But seeker, beware of Dickson Street, there is nothing for you over there.
If you have any questions regarding the Golden Cardinal Search, please email Jonas Zabriskie at Good Luck!
Jonas Zabriskie, assistant director
New Student and Family Programs