Campus Night at the UARK Museum This Saturday

Campus Night at the UARK Museum This Saturday
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U of A students, faculty, staff, and alumni, start the semester off by joining us from 6-10:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 19, for a free and fun evening with the University Museum's popular collections open house, food, fun activities such as a scavenger hunt and drawing sessions featuring museum artifacts, and an outdoor movie showing at 8:30 p.m.!

It's also an opportunity to learn about the U of A Museum's resources for learning and research experiences on campus. From meteorites and dinosaurs to ancient Roman coins and first computers, the collections encompass a wide array of materials across time and space.

A number of awesome campus partners will be at the event, including the Arkansas Archeological Survey and Society, UARK Isely Baerg Entomology Club, University Libraries' Special Collections, School of Art faculty, and more!

The Museum is located at 2471 N Hatch Ave. Parking is free and a free shuttle from main campus to the University Museum will be provided at Hotz Hall Bus Loop (1200 Cleveland St.).

A limited number of lawn chairs and blankets will be provided for the outdoor movie, so we suggest bringing your own just in case.

Registration is appreciated, but not required.


Laurel Lamb, curator of education and engagement
University of Arkansas Museum

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