Meeting People Where They Are, All Over Arkansas; Malone Discusses U of A's Economic Impact to the State

Mike Malone
University Relations

Mike Malone

This month's Short Talks from the Hill features Mike Malone, vice chancellor for Economic Development.

Since starting this role at the university on April 18, 2022, Malone has led the university's efforts to expand economic opportunity and improve quality of life across Arkansas. He has nearly three decades of experience building coalitions and partnerships to advance community and economic development opportunities.

In the podcast, Malone discusses university-led economic development and the U of A's economic impact to the state.

"We need to meet people where they are all over the state of Arkansas and make sure they understand the different ways we might be able to help them solve their problems or take their business or their nonprofit or their community to an even higher level… We've got the talent. We've got students that want to engage and serve, and faculty members as well, so that when we really have proactive engagement with industry and communities on a regular basis… that's when we'll really achieve our fullest mission and serve the state as best we can."

You can listen to Malone discuss this topic and others by clicking on the link above or by visiting, the home of research and economic development news at the U of A.

Short Talks programming is available wherever you get your podcasts. Previous podcasts can be found at the link above.

Thank you for listening!


Matt McGowan, assistant director of research communications
University Relations

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