Cell and Molecular Biology Faculty Member Awarded Silo-Busting Advising Award

Adnan Alrubaye was recently awarded the Silo-Busting Advising Award by the U of A Academic Advising Council.
A faculty member was recently awarded the Silo-Busting Advising Award by the U of A Academic Advising Council.
Adnan Alrubaye, associate director of the graduate program in cell and molecular biology and assistant professor in poultry science, was recognized for his efforts to create cross-collaboration networking opportunities in the cell and molecular biology program. He teaches classes in the cell and molecular biology program and in the Poultry Science Department.
"As an associate director for the program, I work with faculty and students in 18 departments and across four colleges," Alrubaye said. "I believe in interdisciplinary research and advising and its impact on transforming our campus and strengthening our campus R1 research status."
Douglas Rhoads, director of the cell and molecular biology program, explained that Alrubaye is dedicated to recruiting international students.
"He has conducted visits in a number of countries, mainly focused in the Middle East, but we are constantly expanding into new opportunities," Rhoads said. "He has championed the model of Senator Fulbright of peace through international exchange and education."
Alrubaye is also working to increase opportunities for international students to study in the United States.
"He has also spearheaded agreements with other universities for research and educational exchange," Rhoads said. "He has received U.S. State Department funding to help establish English language programs in Iraq so that more students can qualify to come to the U.S. for higher education. I see him 'busting silos' that often block international students from studying in the U.S. to expand their experiences and build friendships."
His own experience as an international student has helped him guide others who have followed behind him, says Curt Rom, interim dean of the Graduate School and International Education.
"As an example of an international graduate student who has been successful and is now in the ranks of tenure track faculty, Dr. Alrubaye has been very involved in congregating the university internationally-originating faculty and staff to create a peer network and help integrate both international students and faculty into the fabric of the university community," Rom said.
Alrubaye said he felt honored to receive the award, and advising students is one of the most enjoyable parts of his job as a faculty member.
"Advising students is at the core of what we do as faculty members," Alrubaye said. "Advising and helping students can shape their future and provide them with the necessary tools and skills to succeed and graduate from the university. I enjoy advising undergraduate and graduate students, and I am happy that my mentees and advisees recognize my advising efforts."
Jessica Wesson, communications manager
Poultry Science Department
479-575-3327, jlwesson@uark.edu