Title IX: What We All Need to Know

Title IX: What We All Need to Know
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The Title IX Office will host a virtual panel discussion from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursday, April 20. This panel discussion will include Aisha Kenner of the Title IX office, Mary Wyandt-Hiebert of the Campus Sexual and Relationship Violence Center and Allan Porter from the U of A Police Department, along with students Gerson Fajardo and Kobina Fanyinkah.

The discussion will be facilitated by Danielle Williams, associate vice chancellor and executive director of equal opportunity, compliance and Title IX, and will center around Title IX and its role in a university setting. There will be time during the discussion for questions and answers. 

Join the panel discussion via Zoom.

About Title IX: Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in educational programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. 


Chris Jones, training and communications coordinator
Department of Equal Opportunity, Compliance and Title IX
479-575-2907, cj071@uark.edu

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