Prep Your Tech for Finals April 18

Make sure your laptop is ready for finals by getting a tech tune-up April 18.
University of Arkansas

Make sure your laptop is ready for finals by getting a tech tune-up April 18.

Finals online? Get your laptop ready! Bring your laptop to campus from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18. Campus tech professionals will be standing by at four locations to ensure students and faculty feel confident in their technology ahead of finals week:

  • Arkansas Union (ARKU)
  • Kimpel Hall (KIMP)
  • Walton College of Business (WCOB) and
  • Cordia Harrington Center for Excellence (CORD).  

Campus technology experts will assist students on how to resolve the common issues with updating software, applications and browsers; updating and testing Respondus Lockdown Browser; and ensuring proper Wi-Fi access.  

This event is hosted by the Computing Activities Council in collaboration with the Office of Student Success. The IT Help Desk provides support seven days a week in the Arkansas Union, as well as by virtual chat online or by phone.   


Rachel Gerner, content strategist
University Information Technology Services

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