Alrubaye Honored by Teaching and Faculty Support Center as February Cordes Chair
The Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center is pleased to share the recording of the February Cordes Chair, Adnan Alrubaye. Alrubaye teaches courses in both the Poultry Science and Biological Sciences departments, and he serves as the associate director for the cell and molecular biology graduate program. He teaches multiple sections of the general microbiology course, with course sizes ranging between 30 and 475 students.
Alrubaye's topic focused on tools he used to provide the best learning experiences for students to help them achieve their learning goals. His philosophy when it comes to working with students is to value their success as his own. He uses advanced teaching technologies to promote students' learning and success that would apply to any course size.
Alrubaye is widely recognized for his contributions to students and academic success. In recent years, he has received the Dr. John and Lois Imhoff Award for Outstanding Teaching and Student Mentorship, the Fulbright College Master Teacher Award, the Collis Geren Award for Excellence in Graduate Education, the Hoyt H. Purvis Award for Service in International Education, the Golden Tusk Award and the U of A Most Outstanding Faculty Member Award from the Associated Student Government. He is a Senior DEI Fellow for International Support and a member of the Teaching Academy.
The Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center invites six outstanding teaching faculty each academic year to serve as Wally Cordes Chairs. Faculty are selected as Cordes chairs because they embody the student-centered teaching excellence that the namesake of the TFSC, the late University Professor Emeritus Wally Cordes, exhibited throughout his 40-plus year U of A teaching career.
Lori Libbert, HEI Program Coordinator
Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center