University Career Development Center Seeks Feedback on Name Change
The University Career Development Center is seeking input from students, faculty and staff on a name change that reflects the U of A's career education goals. Universities around the country are reframing career centers from career services to departments that provide career education and discovery in the classroom, in conjunction with academic and student affairs departments, at networking events, one-on-one coaching, online platforms, etc.
The center is committed to weaving lifelong career confidence and readiness into the college experience and beyond. Four pillars have been identified to support this mission: exploration of selves and world of work, practicing engagement and exposure to options, teaching career and self-development, and collaboration with skill developers. The new name should illustrate these pillars.
To gather feedback on potential new names, the Career Development Center has launched a survey that is open to all members of the U of A community. The survey will ask respondents to share their preference for four potential names and have the option to add their own ideas. Respondents are also asked to identify any deficiencies that current students and recent grads have that they would like to see improved.
The survey will be open until March 30, and the results will be reviewed by a committee that will make the final recommendation. A list of University Career Development Center services and resources can be found online. Students can also drop in for a resume review or mock interview with a career peer mentor at the Career Studio on the first floor of the Cordia Harrington Center for Excellence or schedule a career counseling appointment using Handshake.
Ty Beringer, marketing communications specialist
University Career Development Center