Off Campus Housing Fair

Off Campus Housing Fair
University of Arkansas

Looking for a place to live next fall?

Come to the Off-Campus Housing Fair from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 15, at the Arkansas Union International Connections Lounge. Representatives from 12 area apartments will be there and ready to show you what housing is available to rent.

Stop by for some fun prizes and snacks as you consider where you will live next fall.

You can RSVP for this event on the HogSync.

Participating Property Companies

Renting Tips

Check out this list of renting tips from the State Office of the Attorney General.

  1. Read the lease in full before signing and ask questions.
  2. Ask about the utilities. Who is the provider for each service? What is the average monthly cost? Does the property owner cover any of these costs?
  3. Consider asking the property owner or local law enforcement if there have been any noise complaints filed against the neighbors.
  4. Consider contacting the local police department or campus police to ask about the safety of the area.
  5. Look at the condition of the carpet and paint to ensure its quality.
  6. Take pictures of the carpet, paint, appliances and any other fixtures before moving. This could protect you if the property owner claims you caused any damage.
  7. Ask the property owner if he or she will be responsible for appliance/air conditioning/furnace maintenance and make sure those responsibilities are mentioned in the lease.
  8. Learn about the lease cancellation policy and ask questions.
  9. If possible, consider a nine-month lease for the school term instead of a full 12-month lease.
  10. Clarify the details of the security deposit and the property owner's policy for its return after the apartment or rental house is vacated.

You might check out the Arkansas Off-Campus Housing Website for a list of potential properties to rent. Be aware that the U of A is not affiliated with this site and offers it only for informational purposes.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact New Student & Family Programs at (479) 575-5002 or



Erin Jones, assistant director
New Student and Family Programs

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