Spring ePortfolio Course to Help Students Stand Out in Job and Graduate School Search

Spring ePortfolio Course to Help Students Stand Out in Job and Graduate School Search
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Setting yourself apart from the crowd is more important than ever.

Especially for students who are seeking full-time employment or are looking at graduate school as their next step, achieving that task can feel nearly impossible. A new course in the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences can help.

The new course, ARSC 3201 Professional ePortfolio, is designed to aid students in building their professional ePortfolio from beginning to end. The course meets once a week in spring 2023 and is designed for any major. Five sections are available.

"An ePortfolio is a professional, digital-first way to showcase the skills, coursework, projects, and experiences you've gained that make you a great candidate for an internship, full-time job, or graduate school," said Angela Williams, teaching professor of student success in Fulbright College.

"While transcripts are the primary tool for demonstrating your outcomes as a student, an ePortfolio really allows an employer or graduate school to see the full picture of who you are and what you're going to bring to the table," Williams added.

Data shows that ePortfolios are helping students stand out in a crowded field. A 2021 study from the American Association of Colleges and Universities found that nine in 10 employers appreciate ePortfolios in the hiring process. In fact, nearly half of employers said they would be very likely to click on an applicant's portfolio in a resume or application.

"This course is designed for all types of students: students who are still exploring career options, students who are applying for internships and full-time jobs, students who are interested in graduate or professional school, and more." Williams said. "This course has benefits to any student in any major in any college — and we welcome everyone to enroll."

Students interested in enrolling in the course should speak to their academic adviser or can contact Williams at angelaw@uark.edu or Lynn Meade at lmeade@uark.edu, teaching assistant professor in student success, who are leading the course.

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