You Still Have Time for Regalia

For graduating seniors: the staff of the bookstore would like to once again commend you for your achievements this semester and congratulate you on your upcoming graduation. If you still have not purchased your regalia, you still have time.

Regalia can be purchased in-store and picked up on the same day, no preorder necessary. The U of A Bookstore will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. the remainder of the week; however, on the day of graduation (Dec. 17) the bookstore will open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.

Stoles and cords cannot be purchased at the bookstore. If you are expecting these you will need to reach out to the department, RSO, fraternity or sorority that you expect to receive these items from, as they will be able to tell you more about the process. Again, congratulations graduates, and good luck with all your future endeavors.


Constantina Scholl-Nesbitt, operations manager
U of A Bookstore

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