Rotaract 2022 Fall Semester Recap

This was a great semester for Rotaract! Members started fundraising for their big project of the year — partnering with Woodland Charities to provide access to safe drinking water for families in the city of Chepo, Panama.

While in Panama, members will partner with local leaders, Rotarians and firefighters to educate the community on the upkeep of the provided water filters and install them in homes. Rotaract hosted two fundraising events to work towards their goal: a mocktail bar and a costume contest. In total they raised around $300 to go towards this project!

For next semester, they are planning to host a bake sale, reach out to Rotary members and apply for grant funding to reach our goal of $18,000. 

Throughout the semester, Rotaract also hosted service opportunities. Around 350 pairs of socks were donated during their Socktober sock drive! The socks were donated to the Northwest Arkansas Women's shelter. During the final meeting, our members created dog toys that will be donated to the city of Fayetteville animal shelter. The dogs will receive 20 new toys made by Rotaracters!

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