RSO Schedules Thanksgiving Social and Meal at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish

U of A faculty, staff, graduate students, community members and their guests are invited to the Thanksgiving Social at St. Thomas Aquinas University Parish on Thursday, Nov. 17, at 6 p.m. Join us for a time of fellowship and learn what's happening with parish infrastructure and ministry. Drinks and appetizers are provided. The social will be held in the parish library, followed by a Thanksgiving meal with students in Newman Hall. Free parking is available in the church lot at the corner of Douglas Street and Storer Avenue.

No advance notice or registration is required; just mark your calendar and plan to spend an evening getting to know the campus Catholic community and reflecting on the fall semester. For information, contact Kim Jones at

Campus Catholic Ministry is a registered student organization at the U of A and serves the unique spiritual needs of the university Catholic community, including students, faculty and staff.


Adam Koehler, campus minister
St. Thomas Aquinas University Parish

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