Cordes TFSC Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Event Held Recently
In October, the Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center provided two lunch-and-learn opportunities for over 70 faculty members that are classified as non-tenure track. These faculty normally have a teaching focused mission.
Jacquelyn Mosley, professor in the Human Development and Family Science Program, was assisted by Carole Shook, teaching assistant professor of the Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center and the Walton College of Business, in presenting opportunities related to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Mosley shared some of her research on diversity and inclusion that she created using the Intercultural Development Inventory and classroom assessments of courses she teaches or has developed. Shook shared opportunities related to presentations and publications at a local, regional and national level that have a teaching focus.
The Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center will sponsor the 2023 U of A Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Symposium that will be held on April 12, 2023, in the Arkansas Union. The symposium will be a poster session designed for all faculty at the U of A to showcase teaching ideas and innovations related to college instruction. More information will be forthcoming in January 2023.
In a partnership with the Office of Scholarly Communications, Mullins Library and the TFSC, the presentation is available on ScholarWorks at
Lori Libbert, HEI Program coordinator
Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center