Outside Employment Form Due by Aug. 31
In concert with the Office of the Provost, the Division of Research and Innovation is supporting the Provost and Board of Trustees policy in reporting outside employment with the form found at https://vcfa.uark.edu/fayetteville-policies-procedures/vcri/4040-appendix-c-2021.pdf.
Consistent with U of A Board of Trustees Policy 450.1 and as outlined in Academic Policy 1450.10, "full-time faculty and non-classified administrative staff members may engage in outside employment for compensation provided this employment does not interfere with the employee's duties (such as by creating a conflict of interest or commitment) and provided that the employee receives written approval from his or her department head and/or dean in advance of the employment." This has been accomplished in a new intake system built in InfoReady as implemented FY21.
What was not included in the new InfoReady system was the completion of the declaration of payment of outside employment.
To accomplish this, each employee must complete the attached form. This must be completed by Aug. 31, 2022, and returned to sporchia@uark.edu to support institutional reporting.
Shatara Porchia-White, director, Research Integrity and Compliance
Division of Research and Innovation