Celebrate 50th Anniversary of Title IX With 37 Words
Title IX prohibits sex, gender identity and/or sexual orientation-based discrimination, including, but not limited to: pregnancy-related discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, and stalking in all activities and programs of educational institutions receiving federal funds, which includes the U of A.
The Title IX Office oversees the university's compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, working with university administration, departments, students, faculty, staff, campus police and other support services to ensure that university policies and programs foster a campus community free of illegal gender discrimination and sexual violence.
The verbiage of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is often referred to as "37 words that changed everything." In observance of the 50th anniversary of Title IX on June 23, the Title IX Office requests your participation as it presents, "The Thirty-Seven Words Campaign."
In 37 words or less, please express what Title IX means to you. The deadline for submission is Wednesday, June 15. Please submit your responses for consideration to be publicized in an article or series of articles to pettaway@uark.edu. Please indicate whether you would like for your response to remain anonymous. Your participation is welcome and encouraged.
Wayne Bell Jr., Title IX and EO case manager
Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
479-575-4387, bwb03@uark.edu
Shanita L. Pettaway, director
Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX
479-575-7111, pettaway@uark.edu