Election Results for 2022-23 GPSC Election
April 18, 2022
We had a great election with 158 voters!
Both of our referendum items passed: the alterations to the GPSC Constitution to use gender-inclusive language passed with 72.22 percent of the vote. The continued payments to PAB passed with 84.57 percent of the vote.
Executive Board Elects:
- President: Dana K. McGee
- Vice President: Cole Eichelberger
- Secretary: Stefanie McKoy
- Chief Justice: Will Yandell
At-Large Representative Elects:
- Katherine Dupree: Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
- Angeline Rodriguez: College of Engineering
- Kolade Olatunde: Graduate School and International Education
- Caitlin Robb: School of Law
- Lizzi Neal and Sarah Shelby: Dale Bumpers College of Agriculture
Katlyn Rozovics,
Department of History