Buy, Hold or Sell: Students Compete in Stock Competition

Seven Walton College students advanced to the final round of the Stock Pitch Competition hosted by Stephens Inc. on March 14.
Recently students in the Sam M. Walton College of Business participated in a Stock Pitch Competition hosted by Stephens Inc. On Feb. 18, the first round of the competition took place online, with 22 students participating. Seven students advanced to the next round, which took place in person on March 14.
The seven students - David Ator, Jonathan Bass, Alivia Brewer, Swapnaneel Nath, Maxwell Kane, Daniel Kuehl and Nathaniel Kleypas - each analyzed Union Pacific (UNP) stock and recommended whether to buy or sell the publicly-traded stock. Students present their recommendations, a defense of their analysis and a brief to a panel of Stephens judges. Students were allotted five minutes for their pitch and presentation, followed by a 10-minute question-and-answer period.
The winners from this semester's competition are:
- Jonathan Bass winning a $375 Amazon gift card as well as his name engraved on the Stock Pitch Competition Trophy
- Swapnaneel Nath winning a $225 Amazon gift card
- Alivia Brewer winning a $150 Amazon gift card
The competition is designed to replicate the fast-paced, demanding experience of sell-side and buy-side analysts. Key components of each pitch include rating (buy or sell), price target (expected stock price one year from today), valuation (price target is justified by a valuation metric or metrics) and an emphasis on what the target market is missing and why.
Stephens Inc., the host of the competition, is a leading family-owned investment firm comprising the businesses of investment banking, advisory, sales and trading, research, insurance and wealth management and is based in Little Rock.
Sammi Nelson, associate director for student success
Sam M. Walton College of Business
Lori McLemore, marketing and communications officer
Sam M. Walton College of Business