GPSC Logo Contest: Due Today
Just a reminder that GPSC Logo designs are due TODAY!
Submissions must meet the following requirements:
- Be a current graduate student
- Must follow approved university brand and style guidelines found at (i.e., no U of A trademark images and follow color scheme)
- Include the full name "Graduate Professional Student Congress"
- Positively represent GPSC
The executive board (consisting of the GPSC president, vice-president, president pro-tempore, treasurer and secretary) will narrow the logo submissions to a final selection of five to present to the full assembly. At the GPSC board meeting on March 31, the assembly will vote on the final selections to choose the logo to represent the GPSC moving forward.
The deadline to submit is at 11:59 p.m., Tuesday, March 28, via
If you have questions, please contact the GPSC Secretary Stefanie McKoy at
Stefanie Gordon McKoy, GPSC secretary
Graduate Professional Student Congress