Malone Family Endowed Award Benefits Libraries and Students

From left to right: Christy Reis, Riley Malone (B.S.B.A.'21), Max Malone (B.S.'14), Carlie Malone (B.S.H.E.S.'24 candidate), Amy Malone and Michael Malone.
A new award for U of A students is forthcoming, thanks to a gift from Amy and Michael Malone. The Malone Family Endowed Award is the first of its kind to be established through the University Libraries and will support diverse undergraduate students with financial need.
"Our children went to the library to study and used it as a resource, all of them, throughout their time at the university," Michael said. "When we would check in with them in the evening and call, they would be at the library."
The Malones are parents of two U of A alumni and also have a current sophomore on campus.
"It meant a lot to us that the facility was there and that they could take advantage of it," Michael said. "They were very good students, and it was important that they had a place they could go that felt like a secure and supportive environment."
Another unique aspect of the award's purpose is to support recipients in becoming familiar with the University Libraries' resources and materials and to enhance their ability in using them. Michael stressed the significance of the libraries' physical and digital resources.
"I'd like to make sure that other people understand just how important libraries are, especially to a university setting, and understand it's a worthwhile place to provide resources if you have them," he said.
It was important to Amy and Michael to give financially to the U of A, as they are both graduates of state institutions, and all four of their children have attended state universities.
"That idea of giving back is something that has really mattered to us," Michael said. "We wouldn't have any of these opportunities without people who were like us who previously, either through their tax dollars or gifts or donations, made those institutions possible."
Jason Battles, dean of University Libraries, expressed his appreciation for the endowed award.
"We are so grateful for Amy and Michael's gift and their recognition of the libraries' importance to students," Battles said. "Their generosity gives the University Libraries the opportunity to provide an endowed award to deserving students through the years ahead."
Kelsey Lovewell Lippard, director of public relations
University Libraries