Panhellenic Celebrates National "Month of Scholar" Through Record-Breaking Children's Book Donations

Lillian Scott, Panhellenic vice president of scholarship and educational programming, with nearly 8,000 children's books that were donated to various elementary schools in the state.
The Arkansas Panhellenic Council joined the National Panhellenic Conference sororities and other College Panhellenics to celebrate Month of the Scholar during February. Month of the Scholar honors the core value of scholarship that exists in every NPC member organization and College Panhellenic.
Throughout the month of February, the Panhellenic Council celebrated this month with the theme of "Strong Women. Strong Minds." The month began with a social media campaign, where each chapter shared how Panhellenic has encouraged and inspired them to reach their academic goals. This social media campaign was shared through videos, photos and banners hung from every house. From there, chapters celebrated Black History Month through an educational program with Danyelle Musselman that focused on honest perspectives and conversations of minority women. Chapters believed it to be imperative to assist in any way that they could through service during the month. Throughout the second week of the month, women volunteered their time and assisted with after school care at Life Source. Our women participated in tutoring those in need, helping with recreational activities and preparing meals. The month was concluded with an honors banquet that acknowledged four women from each sorority and a professor. These women were selected specifically based on their academic achievements and involvement.
Lillian Scott, Panhellenic vice president of scholarship and educational programming, led this month of impactful initiatives and outreach. Scott said, "It was truly amazing to highlight something that our chapters value year-round, such as the importance of scholarship. Of all the impactful things we did throughout the month, it was the record-breaking book drive that I'm most proud of."
Collectively, chapters raised a recor- breaking 7,970 for books for various elementary schools within Northwest Arkansas and the Delta region. Books were distributed to George Elementary of Springdale, Jerry Pop Williams Elementary of Farmington and Leverett Elementary of Fayetteville, with more books set to be delivered to the Delta Region prior to summer.
Parice Bowser, assistant vice chancellor of Greek Life and associate dean of students, said, "I am extremely proud of the work that our Panhellenic chapters have continued to do throughout the state. These efforts have impacted our community in a profound way, through the importance of scholarship. I look forward to seeing the various ways in which they continue to make a difference, as they strive for academic success and uplift those around them."
Celebrating the gift of education, serving the community and fostering relationships throughout this month has been something that the Panhellenic Council looks forward to continuing.
Carissa Kelly, assistant director
Greek Life