AIMRC Seminar on Enhancing Bioinformatics and Omics Efforts With AHPCC

AIMRC Seminar on Enhancing Bioinformatics and Omics Efforts With AHPCC
University Relations

The Arkansas Integrative Metabolic Research Center will host a Zoom seminar at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, March 1. Jeff Pummill, co-director of the Arkansas High Performance Computing Center and director of Strategic Initiatives and User Services, will introduce the center and its associated resources, explain how researchers can gain access, and briefly cover some of the finer points of efficiently utilizing a High Performance Computing Cluster.

Jeff Pummill joined the University of Arkansas in 2005 as the senior systems administrator for the newly-formed high-performance computing center to manage the 379th fastest supercomputer in the world. This was followed in 2007 by a new system that ranked 339th in the world to support an increasingly diverse scientific workload at the U of A campus. Over a decade and a half, Pummill has been the recipient of nearly $500,000 in NSF funding as part of his work with the National research computing effort. He also participates as a member of the Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation.

In 2015, he negotiated the acquisition and relocation of a 3-year-old $2.8 million supercomputer from San Diego Supercomputer Center to meet the increasing demands of our research community on campus. In 2018, he was accepted into the Fulbright College Department of Biological Sciences in an adjunct capacity where he delivers lectures and workshops on scientific computing. Currently, as co-director of the AHPCC, he enjoys working with research faculty and graduate students and has co-authored a number of publications as part of his collaborative efforts to advance both AHPCC and scientific computing on campus. As a lover of "all things science," he eagerly anticipates new breakthroughs and discoveries that advance our knowledge and understanding of the universe around us.

No registration required for this event. Simply click the link above to join the meeting. If you have any questions about this event, please contact Kimberley Fuller


Sarah Grace Brown, communications coordinator
Division of Research and Innovation

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