Gahagans to Retire After 12 Years at U of A

Shelley Gahagans
University Relations

Shelley Gahagans

Shelley Gahagans, nonresident tax coordinator in Human Resources, is retiring from the U of A after 12 years of service. Gahagans oversees tax compliance and ensures proper work authorization of foreign nationals for the university.  

Gahagans has been recognized as the subject matter expert for our campus and has also been a resource across the U of A System. In 2018, she was a recipient of the Sponsored Student Programs Appreciation Award. 

In 2020, the Graduate School and International Education awarded Gahagans the Collis R. Geren Award for exceptional commitment to graduate education. Gahagans was selected for her integral part in onboarding international students and guiding them through the regulations that pertain to employment and fellowships/scholarships.

"Shelly is a perfectionist with a heart of gold. She is truly one of a kind," said Amber Duncan, assistant director of payroll.  "Shelly made sure that every foreign national that she worked with felt at home at the University of Arkansas. It is not unusual for past employees or students to stop by Human Resources to visit or include Shelly in their personal celebrations after they had moved on from Fayetteville." 

Duncan praised Gahagans for her attention to detail and enthusiasm in educating the U of A students, faculty and staff to maintain compliance while serving our international students.

UPDATED: The retirement reception for U of A staff member Shelley Gahagans is rescheduled from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Friday, March 4, in the Administration Building lobby. 


Amy Unruh, senior director of administrative communications
Division of Finance and Administration

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