Food, Fun and Prizes at the Diversity Career Connections Mixer
Register today to attend the Diversity Career Connection Virtual Mixer taking place Wednesday, March 2, in the Arkansas Union Verizon Ballroom.
5-5:45 p.m. — Secure the Bag: Workforce, Education, Entrepreneurship Panel
6-6:30 p.m. — How to Network & Create Your Personal Branding Statement
6-7:45 p.m. — Speed Networking with Employers
7-8 p.m. — Door Prize Drawings
Grab a bite to eat and learn how to create your 60-second elevator pitch and to ask power questions that will help you instantly connect with top hiring managers, recruiters and others! Learn to speed-network with companies such as Cintas, ConocoPhillips, Hytrol Conveyer, Insight Global, MurphyUSA, Procter & Gamble and Schneider (just to name a few), who are seeking to connect with diverse students!
Each participant will be given a passport to speak with at least six different company representatives, speed-networking style. This means you get to engage with several companies in a short amount of time. Each student is encouraged to collect at least six stamps in their passport by the end of the event. Those who do so can then be entered in a drawing to win door prizes that will be given away at the end of the event.
Business casual attire and registration are required to attend. Seats are limited. Register today!
Robyn Williams, associate director of career design and DEI initiatives
Career Development Center