March New Faculty Lunch Discussion
The March New Faculty Lunch Discussion will be held 12:30-1:45 p.m., Tuesday, March 1, or noon to 1:15 p.m., Wednesday, March 2. New faculty includes all faculty who are in their first two years of teaching at the U of A.
The program title for the March New Faculty event is "Shrinking the Room: 99 Years of Experience in Getting Students to Share and Talk in the Classroom," with Lorraine Brewer, Molly Rapert and Lynn Meade.
The number-one requested program for new faculty involves ways to improve classroom interaction and discussion. The goal of this program is for participants to walk away with tips that can be immediately applied to classes and to provide ideas on ways you can structure your courses in the future to enhance classroom collaboration. Combined, these professors have 99 years of experience in finding ways of getting even the most introverted students to speak and share with others.
The speakers are:
Lorraine Brewer, instructor in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, is a former co-director of the Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center and has won the Imhoff Teaching and Mentoring Award at the U of A. She teaches large classes primarily of freshmen and sophomores and focuses on making students feel they can speak out even in the auditorium setting.
Molly Rapert, associate professor in the Marketing Department, is the director of the Walton Center for Teaching Effectiveness, is a recipient of the Charles and Nadine Baum Excellence in Teaching Award and has won the Marketing Management Association's National Outstanding Teaching Award. She teaches the capstone course in her department preparing students for the real-world environment they will soon walk into.
Lynn Meade, instructor in the Communication Department, is a current co-director of the Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center and is a past winner of the Imhoff Teaching and Mentoring Award at the U of A. She teaches freshmen and upperclassmen in both in-person and online courses and engages students in frequent discussions.
Join us for this very special session for new faculty with professors who are amongst the most awarded and recognized on the U of A campus.
Please be sure to RSVP by Thursday, Feb. 24, if you would like to order lunch. Reserve your seat or choose to attend remotely.
Lori Libbert, HEI Program Coordinator
Teaching and Faculty Support Center