February Staff Senate Notes
Feb. 15, 2022
Here are the Staff Senate quick notes from its meeting on Feb. 10. Official meeting minutes will be available next month.
Human Resources from Eunice Alberson
- The change in pay frequency occurs in April. Visit for more information.
- Smart Money Management Sessions are being offered in the lead-up to this change. Human Resources will announce these sessions as they become available.
- Performance reviews are being launched in Workday.
Park and Transit
- Transit is still short-staffed and seeking bus drivers. They are partnering with Human Resources to fill vacant positions.
Committee Reports
- The awards committee extended the deadline for the Outstanding Team Award.
- The elections committee is continuing their work for elections. There are approximately 2,788 staff members on campus.
- Special Events announced the staff picnic will be Thursday, May 19.
- The Childcare Assistance Committee has created a resource list for staff members that can be found on the Staff Senate website.
Chancellor's Search Committee
- A search committee has been formed to assist in selecting a new chancellor. Staff Senate is planning to hold a town hall for staff members to voice what they would like to see in the next chancellor. Details will be announced in the coming days.
Chairs Report
- Next month's Staff Senate meeting will be held virtually via Teams.
- The Remote Work Policy is continuing to hold discussions. If you would like to provide feedback, please visit with your staff senate representative.
- If the campus is closed and you are not a weather essential employee, it is considered a "snow day" for staff members.
UARK Staff Senate, communications team
UARK Staff Senate
479-575-2000, ssenate@uark.edu