Early Career Investigator Award Workshop to Be Hosted by Division of Research and Innovation

Early Career Investigator Award Workshop to Be Hosted by Division of Research and Innovation
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The Division of Research and Innovation is pleased to announce this annual workshop for untenured faculty who are considering early career grant proposals.

The biggest source of these grants is the National Science Foundation CAREER program, but there are also similar early-stage grant programs sponsored by the Department of Energy, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Department of Defense, NASA, and even the National Institutes of Health. These programs will be described, but the main part of the workshop will be a panel discussion featuring faculty who recently received one of these early career awards. They will discuss their experiences and provide tips on how to write a successful proposal for early career awards. Circumstances permitting, participants will also have the opportunity for small group discussions on strategies and ideas for their grant proposals.

Please note that these programs, NSF in particular, fund social and behavioral science work in addition to STEM. We wish to encourage our new faculty from the full range of funded disciplines to compete for these awards. Early career faculty at the U of A have been very successful in pursuing these prestigious awards (23 currently active NSF awards and four currently active DOE). This workshop an opportunity to learn from the experience of others. 

  • Date: Wednesday, March 9
  • Time: 8:30-11:30 a.m.
  • Place: ARKU 507-509
  • Light refreshments will be provided.

If you plan on attending, please fill out this registration form by Feb. 28. Event venue has a room capacity of 35 people—register soon! 


Sarah Grace Brown, communications coordinator
Division of Research and Innovation
479-575-6874, sarahb@uark.edu

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