Weekly Proposal-Writing Office Hours Hosted by Division of Research and Innovation

An open notebook with a sharpened pencil and pencil shavings on the top page.
This semester, the Division of Research and Innovation will host two sessions of Proposal Writing Office Hours each week for faculty and postgraduate doctoral students. One will be in-person each Monday (through May 2) from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Arkansas Union 508. The second session will be held each Friday (through May 6) from 10:30-11:45 a.m. via Zoom meeting.
After signing into Zoom with your UARK email, enter the following information to join the Friday's virtual session:
- Meeting ID: 830 6820 7586
- Passcode: y5N!wRGA
No registration is required for these sessions. Walk-ins are welcome.
"In the past, the open office hours have been very helpful to individuals writing proposals," explained Bob Beitle, senior associate vice chancellor for research and innovation. "Assistance varies and includes writing suggestions, budget development — nuts and bolts to produce the proposal."
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Bietle at rbeitle@uark.edu.
Sarah Grace Brown, communications coordinator
Division of Research and Innovation
479-575-6874, sarahb@uark.edu