International Holocaust Remembrance Day Thursday Jan. 27
Please join the U of A in acknowledging the horrors of the systematic genocide directed at Jews in a horrifying global event known as the Holocaust. Arkansas' students recently ranked last in the nation in their knowledge of the Holocaust, and legislation signed into law last year now mandates the Holocaust be taught in all public schools in Arkansas, grades 5-12.
There will be a dedication event for the display of the pen used to sign Holocaust Education into law in the state of Arkansas at the Multicultural Center at 2 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 27. Light refreshments will be provided.
This legislative success and event would not have been possible without the generous assistance of the Multicultural Center — specifically, Leslie Yingling and Adrain Smith — and the Chancellors Office — specificially, former Chancellor Joe Steinmetz and current Chief of Staff Laura Jacobs.
This event is being co-hosted by the Multicultural Center and the only Jewish RSO on campus, Hillel.
RSVP for the Zoom/virtual option.
Toby Klein, doctoral student
Public Policy Program