Virtual Grant Writing Workshop: Intro to NSF Funding on Nov. 30

Join the Division of Research and Innovation in this overview of NSF as a federal funding agency. Staff will discuss NSF's funding priorities, solicitation types and proposal resources. Participants will also hear from on-campus NSF awardees Steve Boss, Narasimhan Rajaram and Cynthia Sides.

These panelists will offer guidance on how to find funding opportunities that are right for you, tips for developing successful proposals and advice regarding the administrative side of the proposal process. Please note that while this webinar will be focused on the basics of NSF funding and is designed for investigators relatively new to NSF proposals, more experienced investigators may find the information useful, and all are welcome to attend.

Please register in advance on Zoom. If you are interested in the event but have a schedule conflict, go ahead and register so that we may send you the link to the archived recording. Our previous workshops held this fall can be accessed on the division's ScholarWorks collection.


Sarah Grace Brown, communications coordinator
Division of Research and Innovation

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