Mathematical Sciences Graduate Students Receive Awards From MWNADay
The Midwest Numerical Analysis Day (MWNADay) is a forum for researchers at all stages of their careers, mainly from the Midwest, to exchange ideas in numerical analysis, scientific computing and related application areas since 1990. MWNADay was held its annual meeting Oct 29-30 on the campus of Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri.
James Burton, Xuan Gu and Ryan Holley, three doctoral students, received National Science Foundation travel awards to attend and present their research work at the MWNADay. The students are advised by Tulin Kaman, assistant professor, and Lawrence Jesser Toll Jr., endowed chair of mathematical sciences. The students work on developing new methodologies to perform more accurate, precise and efficient computations to provide high-fidelity, multiphysics, multiscale numerical simulations in the field of computational fluid dynamics.
The Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAM) research group at the U of A involves the study of the turbulent mixing and turbulent combustion to understand the physical instability mechanism on the important scientific and engineering problems. Computational modeling and efficient, accurate numerical algorithms are key to predicting the behavior of complex systems. Big data and large-scale simulations are required to compute statistical properties of these complex systems. Quantifying errors and uncertainties in models and data are critical to achieving good validation and verification results.
The research opportunities for undergraduate students in the areas of modeling and simulations in computational fluid dynamics and turbulence, numerical methods for partial differential equations, scientific parallel computing and uncertainty quantification are available in the CAM group. The prerequisite for undergraduate students is a course MATH 4343 (Introduction to Scientific Computing), the project-based course designed towards training the next generation computational scientists and engineers.
Tulin Kaman, assistant professor
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Andra Parrish Liwag, director of communications
Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences