Pack the Pantry Food Drive Proves Successful During Its Fifth Year
The Jane B. Gearhart Full Circle Food Pantry recently hosted its Fifth Annual Pack the Pantry Homecoming food drive, and the results of the drive are finally in! The campuswide drive took place during Oct. 10-23, and more than 40 departments and organizations across campus participated.
35,856 items and $1,307.55 were raised during the drive, surpassing the past record by nearly 13,000 items. The Full Circle Food Pantry extends a huge "thank you" to everyone who donated during this drive and to the following groups for their participation:
- Alpha Delta Pi
- Alpha Gamma Rho
- Alpha Kappa Psi
- Amazon wish list donors
- Alpha Pi Mu
- Arkansas Alumni Association
- Arkansas Union
- Associated Student Government
- Athletics
- Baptist Collegiate Ministry
- Beta Alpha Psi
- Chi Omega
- Delta Delta Delta
- Delta Gamma
- Freshman Business Connections
- Freshman Engineering Program
- Honors College
- Hotz Hall
- Kappa Alpha Order
- Kappa Delta
- Kappa Kappa Gamma
- Monetary donors
- Mullins library
- Multicultural Center
- National Pan-Hellenic Council
- Phi Mu
- Pi Beta Phi
- Pi Kappa Alpha
- Sierra Student Coalition
- Sigma Alpha Epsilon
- Sigma Nu
- Sigma Phi Epsilon
- Student Alumni Association
- Student Ambassadors
- Student Dietetic Association
- Student Nurses Association
- Student Occupational Therapy Assoc.
- Tau Beta Pi
- Transit and Parking
- University Housing
- Zeta Tau Alpha
Angela Oxford, director of the Center of Community Engagement, thanked the participants for their willingness to serve: "The really powerful part of this Homecoming drive was how so many registered student organizations, departments and Greek Life organizations came together and voluntarily chose to donate and serve our campus community."
We genuinely could not do the work we do without your generous support!
If you would like to learn more about how to utilize the pantry's services, please email or click here. Stay tuned for more drives throughout the year, or send an email to coordinate a drive!
Tyler Merreighn, food drives coordinator
Jane B. Gearhart Full Circle Food Pantry