UREC's Fitober Incentive Challenge Winners Announced
University Recreation wrapped up their annual Fitober incentive challenge during the month of October. Participants were challenged to complete 600 minutes of physical activity in order to earn a pair of UREC performance socks and entry in to a drawing for additional prizes.
Approximately 350 students, faculty and staff accepted the challenge and completed 193,926 minutes of activity throughout the month.
"Fitober helped me become more aware of how many physical activity minutes I complete each week," said Alden Hotz, graduate student in horticulture. "Due to the nature of my job at the UA Division of Agriculture at the Vegetable Research Station, I stay pretty active throughout the day. I also try to get in a few additional minutes each morning with strength exercises, yoga and cardiovascular activity."
Hotz also completed the most minutes of physical activity in the student division. Shawn Eary completed the most minutes in the faculty/staff division.
There was also a team challenge in which departments, teams and clubs across campus worked together as a team to log the most minutes of physical activity. Congratulations to the department of Agricultural Economics & Agricultural Business for the best team average of physical activity minutes.
Top 10 teams
Mark your calendars for the next incentive challenge, Commit to Well, beginning Feb. 1, 2022!
Casey Fant , assistant director
University Recreation
479-575-3542, cfant@uark.edu